
About Why this blog exist…This blog exist literally because I believe God led me to do it. Before I started this blog, I had no idea I was going to. I did not know anything about blogging and I don’t even know exactly what it is God is leading me to do. AND I am, I say, computer and internet illiterate, I basically do not know anything about computers or the internet. I don’t know what I’m doing!! But I’m not letting that stop me because God knows what He’s doing!

All I know is God has been doin’ somethin’ in my life for some years and I feel a pull, a force, something I’ve had to pursue. All I know is Jesus saved me for some reason and I have to share The Good News that we have a Savior!

I have written a book about my life titled I THANK GOD I DIDN’T COMMIT SUICIDE, with the intentions of it to save lives. I got the idea in 2003, about a year after my life drastically changed. I thought I would one day hire a ghostwriter, of course, because I am not a writer. Well….. 2009 rolled around and I was nowhere close to hiring a ghostwriter so I started writing/typing myself. It took about a year to write the initial story, and I thought it would soon be published. Now it is 2019 and my book still is not published and life is nowhere I thought it would be.

In Fact, it’s been the exact opposite! I’ve been living what I’ve called a nightmare for like the past 5 years. My marriage became everything why I did not want to get married again! But I’ve hung in there trusting God and it is getting better. The point is, is that God has a plan and the devil wants to destroy it. And had I not come to know our amazing Creator, our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ our Savior…. had I not hung on to my faith, trusting God….. the devil would have succeeded in destroying my family…again, because the old me would have left.

About getting led to blogging… SEVENTEEN YEARS since my life changed, Ten years after writing my book, I find myself back not wanting to live. Not thinking about killing myself, but praying for my death! I can’t take anymore! But the devil will not win!!! I have to push forward with what I feel led to do!!

But I don’t even know what that is exactly….. However!! I DO know that I have to share THE GOOD NEWS, I know I have to do that. I have to get this book published, I know I have to do that because people need some hope. And I need to make money but I can’t work just any job. I have to work towards what I believe is God’s Will.

So I start a Facebook page for my book and I start getting posts about blogging, posts about how to make money blogging!!!!! After doing a little looking into it, I learn I could make a good chunk of money blogging! Like stripper money! I NEED MONEY!!!!!

This must be it! I can share what I want to share AND I can make money? So I do a five day email course and I’m like I could do this…. so here we are.


My Testimony

Before Jesus came into my life I was hopeless and suicidal. I was 27 years old and made a bad choice causing me to lose everything, including custody of my 3 children. That choice was using drugs. But not even to get high, I used drugs because I gained eleven pounds. I had only used drugs for about a year but that was all it took for me to fall and lose everything. I knew better but I still chose to do things that I said I’d never do and I ended up a prostitute, using drugs, giving my money to pimps. I thought I was going to die a prostitute. I was hopeless and I saw no way out.

But God did.

He put someone in my life that told me Jesus loves me. That person wanted to love me too. And he wasn’t going to let me self destruct.

Now seventeen years later, because of God, I still have my family; the family (husband and more kids) I thought I didn’t want. The devil has tried nearly everything to destroy this family that God blessed me with. And he would have succeeded had God not changed me, because the old Amy would have left. But God is greater and forever faithful.

I now live with hope, peace and expectation!! Most of the time…

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